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Bay leaves help reduce heart disease and cholesterol

The Dhaka Times Desk Bay leaf may seem like a small thing but actually it has many uses. Bay leaves help reduce heart disease and cholesterol.


Bay leaves are a pungent spice. Cooking doesn't just add flavor. It has certain nutritional and medicinal properties. Foods that take time to digest in the body, such as meat, oily food including Birani. They are easily digested when cooked with bay leaves. That is why bay leaf is widely used in Mughlai cuisine.

Bay leaves have several rare medicinal properties. Indigestion and stomach pains are cured by consuming the bark and leaf juice of bay leaves. For those who cannot digest heavy food easily, bay leaf juice is a very effective medicine. Bay leaf is used as a medicine for heart disease. Bay leaf juice helps lower cholesterol. In addition, this juice increases the performance of the heart muscles.


According to many modern herbalists, bay leaves sensitize the body's blood circulation system and make the body's blood transport smooth. Bay leaves are used with unique medicinal properties to cure gonorrhea. Besides, the boiled water of bay leaves can be used as a food when recovering from measles, diarrhea and chronic fever.

So we can utilize the properties of this bay leaf for our body.

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