The Dhaka Times
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People are swallowing cancer germs in the name of Bahari Sherbat to get rid of the heat of summer!

Dhaka Times Report. People have become hungry in summer. The heat that is falling all over the country has not been seen so much in the previous years. People are desperate to escape from this scorching heat. So Rang Changa Sherbat is being sold on the sidewalks and streets of the capital. But no one knows how terrible this syrup is!

Pathogens are swallowing money with cash under the cover of attractive spring-colored sarabats in the capital's busy roads, footpaths, alleys, on the occasion of summer heat. A week's investigation revealed that the dye mixed in the syrup sold on the roadside is used in clothes by large textile mills. Saccharin is the sweetener used to flavor the tongue. And the ice used to freeze the water to quench the thirst is made from the polluted water of the Buriganga, the sewage of one and a half million people. The water used in the syrup comes directly from a broken water pipe, roadside tap. During the conversation with the sellers, many consumers said that the ice they use is mainly made for fish. But in the hope of more profit, they mix the ice in the syrup.

It has been found that these sellers have a strong syndicate. A syndicate of more than a hundred people controls this sherbet business on the capital's sidewalks. They set up shop by paying fixed sums of money to sidewalk vendors like dadon businesses. At the end of the day, the profit share is taken away. It is alleged that even the police are in this syndicate. Those concerned said that 100 taka per shop goes into the pocket of the police. Many doctors have said that people are causing death by what they are eating in the name of Sharbat. All are cancer germs. Even police officers have said the same thing. A strong law would have enabled the police to play an effective role in protecting public health. Under the political umbrella, they are selling sherbet in the offices of various political parties along with the sidewalks. He said, another way to take quick action in this regard is the mobile court campaign initiated by the city corporation. On the other hand, the parents should make the children aware of this. Besides, it is important to be aware of those who are consumers of these.

Dhaka Medical College and Hospital Medicine Specialist Dr. Kazi Tariqul Islam said that it is absolutely necessary to stop the sale of that poisonous syrup. Millions of people are drinking this poisonous syrup every day. This poisonous syrup contains germs of all water borne diseases. It will damage the liver and kidneys quickly. He also said that water-borne patients are being admitted to various private clinics including Dhaka Medical College Hospital. According to the information received from the patients, many of them drank dirty water with colored syrup from the roadside. He said that those who are selling these poisonous syrups should be arrested and brought to justice. It is important to prevent it socially.

These sherbets are sold in different areas of the capital. This sherbet can be seen being sold especially in the neighborhoods of different areas of the capital including Gulistan, Motijheel, Tikatuli, Paltan, Shahbagh, Farmgate, Mahakhali, Gabtali. Going to the farm gate, it was seen that these syrups are being sold openly. People are swallowing these germ syrups. It is important for the law enforcement agencies to be active in this regard.

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