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Gourd to remove leprosy and facial blemishes

The Dhaka Times Desk Gourd occupies a prominent place in our daily diet. Gourd flowers, leaves and dried bark are also useful. Gourd plays a special role in removing white spots and facial blemishes.


The taste of gourd flowers mixed with egg and fried is excellent. Gourd leaves are good vegetables. Dugdugi or ektara is made from the opening of the gourd. According to Veshaja Shastra, gourd is essential not only for household work but also for body ailments.

One of the uses of gourd is that at the very beginning of leprosy, when small spots appear, rubbing lae flower once a day stops the spread of leprosy. If used 15 times a day, the disease is cured. Apart from Shveti, gourd can be used for psoriasis. A piece of burnt gourd rubbed on the spot of the rash makes the rash disappear. But this disease is not cured unless it is completely eradicated. Therefore, the treatment should be continued.


Since ancient times, gourd has been used to enhance facial beauty. The white soft part of young gourd should be swallowed daily. It removes dead skin cells and removes wrinkles. The skin is tight. Gourd can also be used to remove dark spots on the face. A piece of gourd should be rubbed on the face as soon as the spots are formed on the face. It removes the acne scars within a few days. Rubbing a slice of gourd also removes black spots on the face.


Gourd also has several Ayurvedic uses. If there is burning and nausea at the same time, gourd should be burnt to extract its juice. Mixing a teaspoon of Andaz honey with that juice will relieve nausea and heartburn.

Eating gourd increases the body's ability to digest food. Constipation is relieved. Cooked gourd is wonderful as a curry. The favorite curry of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was gourd.

So let's eat more gourd and keep the body healthy. We want everyone's health.

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