The Dhaka Times
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DMP announces reward: Lakhs of taka for surrendering the saboteurs

The Dhaka Times Desk The hartal-blockade of the 18-party alliance has caused great damage to the country in the last two months. There has been an alarming increase in the number of people being burnt alive due to setting cars on fire. The police have announced a reward for the surrender of these vandals.


Dhaka Metropolitan Police has announced a reward if the saboteurs can be handed over during the siege called by 18 teams. Dhaka Metropolitan Intelligence Police Joint Commissioner Monirul Islam announced this in a press conference organized at DMP's media center on Monday.

The increase in vandalism in recent times has been extraordinary. It is the responsibility of the police to ensure the safety of public life and property. So some steps have been taken to ensure safety. In the press conference, Monirul Islam said that if the perpetrators of vehicle vandalism and arson are handed over, a cash reward of Tk 100,000 will be given and if the bomb and cocktail throwers are handed over, a cash reward of Tk 25,000 will be given.

It should be noted that massive violence is taking place in the hartal-blockade program of the 18-party alliance led by the BNP on the demand of the non-partisan government. In particular, a group of miscreants are burning common people by throwing petrol bombs on cars. They are burning the whole country in the name of political program. That is why DMP announced this reward to catch the saboteurs.

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