The Dhaka Times
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Whooping Cough Infectious Bacteria Are Proliferating: Conventional Vaccines Under Threat!

The Dhaka Times Desk whooping cough An infectious disease of the respiratory tract caused by bacteria The bacteria also try to adapt to the vaccine that is usually given to prevent such diseases. The alarming news is that a recent study found that the bacteria that cause whooping cough are multiplying.


Whooping cough is highly contagious Young children usually suffer more from this disease Vaccines are given to children to protect them from this disease. So that children's bodies develop immunity against bacteria. However, new research has revealed that these bacteria are also constantly multiplying.

The new bacteria are no less harmful or more harmful than the old bacteria that cause whooping cough. The vaccines used so far are effective enough to prevent whooping cough.

Prior to 2010, a protein called pertectin was found in human infections caused by the bacteria responsible for whooping cough, but now it appears that such proteins are not found in human infections caused by new bacteria. It refers to unusual and exaggerated type events.

There are three-four types of components in the vaccine Pertectin There are proteins called which enters the human body and produces antibodies against the whooping cough bacteria. As a result any bacteria entering the body weakens it and protects the body from whooping cough.


But the concern is that the newly grown bacteria are not producing pertectin. However, other components in the vaccine are still able to kill the bacteria that infects whooping cough. It is a matter of concern how long the vaccines that have been used for so long will be able to sustain immunity against the newly amplified bacteria. So now scientists should develop new research new vaccine and protect children from this terrible disease.

Reference: The TechJournal

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