The Dhaka Times
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For both boys and girls: How to make masks, dry skin care and packs

The Dhaka Times Desk You don't always have to visit a beauty parlor for skin care. If desired, both boys and girls can take care of their skin at home. Today there is a discussion on how to make masks, dry skin care and packs.


How to apply the mask

Egg white is very beneficial for oily skin. Mix a few drops of lemon juice and apply it on your face for 20 minutes. Then wash your face with cold water. Also, keep the raw milk in the fridge, wet it with cotton and apply it all over your face and wash it off after 15 minutes. It will make the facial skin tight.

Dos for dry skin

Dry skin does not feel oily at all. Skin is always dry. Skin never looks fresh. Wrinkles are more likely to appear on the face. In this case, there is no oily feeling on the tissue paper.

Dry skin care

Dry skin needs a lot of care. This skin is especially thin in winter. And creases and wrinkles very easily. Dry skin needs care just like any other skin. Gram flour is very good for dry skin. Wash your face with gram flour daily. Mix 2 teaspoons of olive oil, half a teaspoon of raw turmeric juice, one teaspoon of cucumber juice and apply it on your face. Then the skin will be clear.

How to apply the pack

Apply the pack 3/4 days a week. Mix egg yolk and olive oil and apply on face. After 15/20 minutes wash it off with cold water.

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