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Learn about the causes and prevention of jaundice!

The Dhaka Times Desk Jaundice is not actually a disease, it is just a symptom of the disease. Yellowing of the whites of the eyes is called jaundice. If the level of jaundice is high, the hands, feet and even the whole body may turn yellow. Whether or not jaundice leads to death depends on the severity of the jaundice. Today you are informed about the causes and remedies of this terrible common disease.


It is generally of 3 types according to the degree of jaundice.
1. Prehepatic
2. Hepatic
3. Post hepatic
Jaundice mostly affects the liver. So Jaundice should never be messed with.

Causes of Jaundice:

Jaundice occurs when the level of bilirubin in the blood increases. Let's find out the reasons behind this incident.

1. Liver inflammation: Liver inflammation increases the production of bilirubin. As a result, the level of bilirubin in the blood increases and causes jaundice.
2. Bile duct inflammation: Bilirubin absorption is impaired in cholangitis. As a result, bilirubin increases.
3. Bile duct block: When the bile ducts are blocked, the liver fails to remove bilirubin. Increases the chance of jaundice.
4. Gilbert's syndrome: In this condition, the activity of the enzyme decreases. As a result, there is a problem in the bile secretion system and the level of bilirubin increases.
5. Dubin-Johnson syndrome: This hereditary disease blocks the absorption of bilirubin from the liver. As a result, the chance of jaundice increases.

Ways to prevent jaundice:

Treatment usually depends on what exactly is causing the jaundice. But there are things we can do to survive jaundice. It is good to know that relationship to prevent jaundice.

1. Avoid drinking alcohol. You can take one peg a day if needed.
2. Avoid taking liquid drugs while taking medicine. At this time alcohol should be completely avoided.
3. Stay away from factory chemicals.
4. Avoid taking drugs.
5. Do not use used injection or nose-ear puncture needle.
6. Practice safe sex.
7. Get hepatitis A and B vaccine to stay free of hepatitis A and B.

Jaundice can lead to death in many cases. So we all have to be aware to avoid this disease.

Reference: Third Age

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