The Dhaka Times
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18 party program announced: Continuous blockade from January 1

The Dhaka Times Desk The 18-party coalition led by BNP has announced a continuous blockade from January 1. The announcement was made last Monday night.

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After the 'March for Democracy' program yesterday, BNP announced this program on behalf of 18 parties and said that today the protest program will be held across the country. Continuous blockade program will be held tomorrow from January 1. BNP has announced that this blockade program will be carried out until further notice. Advisor to BNP Chairperson Khandkar Mahbub Hossain announced this in a press conference at his residence on Monday evening.

It was announced to hold this nationwide blockade program demanding the cancellation of January 5 elections and elections under neutral persons. The leaders and workers have been asked to carry out this program peacefully.

In the press conference, Khandaker Mahbub complained that the government not only prevented the 18-party democracy march program, but also tortured the leaders and workers along the way. 18 party alliance will protest across the country today on Tuesday. On behalf of Khaleda Zia, he called upon the leaders and workers of the alliance to come down to the streets.

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