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Michael Schumacher, the seven-time Formula 1 winner, is fighting with death on his birthday

The Dhaka Times Desk Had he been healthy, seven-time Formula 1 winner Michael Schumacher would have celebrated his 45th birthday with family and fans. He is now in a coma after a skiing accident.


Michael Schumacher, a popular sports figure who won seven Formula 1 races, almost claimed his life at the speed his constant companion had achieved throughout his life, after a horrific skiing accident on Sunday last week on the Grenoble mountain in the French Alps. He read, he is now on the brink of life and death with serious head injuries.

Meanwhile, Michael Shoemaker's family and spokesperson said he went skiing, but on the way down the mountain, the high-speed ski hit a huge rock and Michael Shoemaker's head started bleeding internally, and he was immediately taken to a local hospital. Currently, the doctors have kept him under close observation.


On Thursday, Michael Schumacher's doctors told the media that his condition has improved, many nerves have started to work, but he is still in a coma, which is called a coma in medical science.

Meanwhile, a statement from the family of Michael Shoemaker recalled the love of countless fans around the world and said a sincere thanks from the family of Michael Shoemaker.


Michael Shoemaker's family says we know Michael Shoemaker is a fighter who never gives up without a fight.


Emotional for Michael Shoemaker's family and his fans last Friday January 3rd was his 45th birthday which he spent in a hospital bed fighting for life!

Michael Schumacher won 7 Formula One race titles at the age of 45, earning an annual income of $80 million before he retired from racing! Which is a huge income for any athlete.

The German speed king initially quit racing but returned to racing in 2010 by winning the Formula One title.

The Dhaka Times wishes Michael Shoemaker a speedy recovery.

Source: NPR

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