The Dhaka Times
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Unbelievable and exceptional way to test the lover's love!

The Dhaka Times Desk Every lover wants to know how much his beloved loves him, at the same time, will the lover's love remain intact even after death? Yes, to get a worthy answer to this question, a lover in Russia organized a different kind of test where he understood how much his lover loves him.


Oddball Alexey Bykov, a 30-year-old Russian, took the extraordinary initiative to test the true love of this young lover. Believe it or not he orchestrated an entire accident drama to test his love, hiring everything from make-up men to strip writers to film directors to make it happen!

Alexey Bykov staged his death in such a way that his girlfriend came to see him dead in an accident! He just wanted to see how his beloved girlfriend Irena reacts to his death!


In this regard Alexey's girlfriend Irena said, I go to a certain place according to our meeting on a certain day. But I went there and saw that the surrounding was broken, before I arrived, there was a collision with the car, the locals said!

Irena also said, I saw Alexey lying on the ground in front of a car, the doctors told me his condition was so critical that he died! Hearing this, I burst into tears.


After a while the dead Alexey came back to life and stood on his feet and told Irena that these were plays, to see how much Irena's love was. And Alexey says he wants to marry Irena, does she agree?


Irena breaks down in tears and Alexey tells her he will never do this again, this is the last time! He now knows how much Irena loves him.

Source: Daily Mail

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