The Dhaka Times
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Love is their life force: Shivanath-Sivaram does not want to separate!

The Dhaka Times Desk Shivnath-Shivaram never wants to separate. Shivnath-Sivaram are spending their days laughing and playing, the love between them is their life force.


Connecting them in the middle of the body. The head and legs are two, but the hands are four. This is how these two brothers have been alive for a long time (12 years). They do everything together from eating and drinking.

The most amazing thing is that they go to school by bicycle! Twin brothers Shivnath and Shivram can be surgically separated at any time. But they never want it.


They said, we never want to be separated. This is how we want to be together till the end of our lives. This is how I want to grow old. Shibnath Sah and Shivram Sah were born in a village called Balodabazar Lawan, one hundred kilometers from Raipur in central India.

These two brothers were born joined from the waist. Since then everyone in the village regards them as gods. However, day laborer father Raj Kumar and mother Smt got worried seeing the condition of their children. Day after day they kept running to the hospital.


Once a doctor told them that now that they are too young, it would be risky to separate them. But at the age of 12 it will be possible. Then the waiting turn of the parents begins. But when Shivnath-Sivaram do all the work together - they are very happy to see that scene. Even so, the worry does not leave them behind.

Raj Kumar, the father of 5 daughters and 2 sons, told the media that everyone is amused to see the condition of my children. But only I know how much trouble my children have to face. It is very difficult for them to walk during rains. When one wants to walk, the other sits down. But the two brothers never quarrel about these things.


Sometimes if Shivnath plays ball, then Shivram also agrees. Gradually, when Shivnath-Shivaram grew up, they started learning to walk and work as advised by the doctors. They always do their work by themselves. They eat, bathe, dress themselves alone. They comb each other's hair.

A local doctor said that Shivnath-Sivaram are completely healthy. Their brain, lungs, heart are two but stomach is one. They can separate if they want. But they never want to leave each other.

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