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The Galaxy S5 is coming in February 2014

The Dhaka Times Desk After various speculations, this time a Samsung executive confirmed to the Korean media that Samsung's Galaxy S5 is coming to the Mobile World Congress to be held in February 2014!


Many analysts have different opinions about the actual market uptake of Samsung's smartphone Galaxy S4, many feel that Samsung could not achieve their Galaxy S4 sales target, so it will be very difficult for them to retain the market without bringing a new smart phone to the market very soon.

Samsung Galaxy series is its new series of smart phones Galaxy S5 is in the middle of various rumors of coming to the market Korean news media innews24 According to a Samsung executive Dong-hoon Chang, they confirmed the possible date of the Samsung Galaxy S5 market launch.

inews24 reports that the Samsung Galaxy S5 will be unveiled to consumers at the Mobile World Congress to be held in Barcelona in February this year. No one has the opportunity to criticize the information given by iNews24 due to the fact that Dong-hoon Chang is the executive vice president of Samsung and at the same time he is the head of Samsung's design department! Therefore, Dong-hoon Chang's commentary can no longer be a rumor! It can be considered as Samsung's unofficial announcement.

In any case, since Samsung has not given any official statement yet, so this information cannot be said for sure, so ordinary consumers have to wait until Mobile World Congress next February.

Source: The Tech Journal

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