The Dhaka Times
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Check out some amazing plans to decorate your hobby home!

The Dhaka Times Desk Every person has a dream of owning a house that is infinitely beautiful and different from others, but nowadays land shortage is a common problem, so saving space and building a house for your family is the biggest challenge of the time! Today we will show you some examples of how to plan different areas of the house by shrinking the space.


1. If you make the living room of your house a little lower, it will look small but it will make a difference to everyone.


2. From the ground floor to the second floor, there is definitely an empty space, you can make a separate playroom for your child like the picture above! But it doesn't look bad!


3. The two pictures above clearly show how the stairs can be used.


4. The tidy room in the picture above is actually a store room! What a surprise! Yes indeed, make the house so that it can be used as a storeroom when there are no guests and it is a guest room when guests are in the house!


5. The door of the house is already made of wood, so what is the loss if the wooden door can also be used as an almirah?


6. If you want to fill your and your wife's bed room with the color of the blue sky and if you want to see the sky together while lying on the bed, make it like this.


7. If the staircase of the house can be used as a store, then the store room of the house can be used for other purposes, the space is saved a lot.


8. Here also the application of almirah in stairs.


9. Here it is used as a shoe shelf on the stairs, it is more of a drawer system.


10. There is nothing to say about the design of this room, can you see how easily the room has been made with less space?


11. Yes, houses can be built in trees! If you want, you can make a house on top of a tree with a light foundation, there are many trees in the villages of our country, so don't think again if you can make such a house and give it a shop or hotel.


12. You can easily save space by making such a shelf in the kitchen.


13. If the pet house can be made in the stairs, then it is good.


14. Can't the room under the stairs be used for light relaxation?

Source: Buzzfeed

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