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9 important tips to keep children safe

The Dhaka Times Desk A child's safe haven is his home. Here he gets care, love and care. Slowly learning everything. But children do not understand many things. Due to which accidents often occur. 2.1 million children go to hospital every year due to accidents and 20,000 children die.

Portrait Of A Beautiful Smiling Baby Boy

Many accidents happen due to the carelessness of the unsupervised. Therefore, in order to keep the children safe, all parents and guardians should always be vigilant. Our 9 tips to keep your baby safe…

1. Never leave a child near cheese
Children enjoy water very much. But water can easily become a danger to children. Bathtubs, buckets, and large containers of water can cause drowning accidents in as little as an inch of water. So never leave the baby alone near the water. If the phone rings or the doorbell rings while the baby is being bathed, wrap him in a towel and carry him on your lap. Again, holding it alone for even a few seconds can cause an accident.


If you have swimming pools, ponds, ponds, drains or water bodies around you, put a fence around them. So that the child cannot reach it in any way.

Another caution, always keep hot water away from children. Children's skin is very tender. A little burn for them can cause a lot of damage.

2. Keep cleaning products and chemicals away
Everything from soaps and detergents to ant-cockroach poisons are highly toxic to children. So keep these things away from them. Children put in their mouths what they find in front of them. So keep cleaning products out of the reach of children. Or keep it locked in a room so that children cannot enter it.


Cosmetics can also cause harm to the baby. And children learn a lot from watching adults. They may become interested in cosmetics by seeing you using them. So keep these also out of their reach.

Keep the phone number of a nearby doctor. So that advice can be taken in case of any such accident.

3. Keep the baby's sleeping area as open as possible
60 percent of child deaths are due to the environment in which the child sleeps. Excess clothing can cover the baby's face and nose. As a result, the child may stop breathing. The child's sleeping area is surrounded by enclosures. The child will not fall into it. Arrange for the inner baby blanket to be tucked down so it does not reach the baby's face. And definitely use a light blanket.


4. Keep electrical cords and sockets out of reach of children
Electrical accidents are very common among children. So you have to be very careful in this matter. Keep electrical appliances out of reach of children as much as possible. If it is not possible to do this in a private room, make sure that the child cannot go there. Cover the sockets that face down with tape or cut the inner connections. Another thing, don't keep electrical appliances near water. If it falls into water, electricity will flow in the water. This will greatly increase the chance of shock.


5. Keep small items out of reach of children
Children give what they get. So keep various small items in the house like money, balls, buttons, jewelry etc. out of reach of children. Swallowing them will block the airways. If you ever see something like this in your hand, put it away.

Be careful about eating. Cut the baby's food into small pieces. so that he can swallow. It is best to get the baby used to not giving them by mouth.

6. Keep doors, windows and stairs closed
All kinds of doors and windows should be arranged so that children cannot get out. Besides, the child will get seriously injured if he falls down the stairs. So it is better to keep these closed. If absolutely not possible, arrangements should be made so that the child cannot go out. As an extra precaution, teach the child not to go near doors, windows, or stairs. If you repeatedly remove it from there, it will not go there again.


7. Keep away from fire
Children must be kept away from fire. Keep even flammable materials out of reach. Keep a fire extinguisher cylinder in the house if possible.

8. Keep children safe from pets
If there is a pet in the family, it is natural for the child to play with it. So take care that the animal is not harmful. It does not have a habit of biting or snapping. Keep its nails short. Never leave the child alone with it. Also take care of the animal so that it is not aggressive.


9. Always be prepared for emergencies
No matter how well you baby-proof your home, the most important thing is to be prepared for an emergency. This is what you do for…

* Learn about cardiac ablation procedures and abdominal thrust procedures. So that you can provide treatment in an emergency.
* Be sure to have a first aid box.
* Keep various important phone numbers such as: ambulance, hospital, neighbors numbers at hand. So that you don't have to look for it later.

A parent's biggest responsibility is to keep children safe. For this you have to do whatever is necessary. Follow the suggestions above. Also, if you have something else in mind, use it. Accidents never happen. Always be prepared for this. Be prepared to avoid accidents. Remember, you cannot forgive yourself if an accident happens due to your carelessness. Wishing your baby a safe future.

Source: Howstuffworks

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