Categories: general

Fake vote in this election!

The Dhaka Times Desk Fake votes have also been cast in one-party elections without such voters. Again, there are many complaints that many candidates have thrown out independent candidates from the center by using their power.

There are many allegations of fraudulent voting in the 10th National Election held yesterday. Many people came to vote and saw that their votes had already been cast. Again, the polling station was captured and sealed.

We saw such an event in 88. Then Ershad's election was one-sided and sealed. This year also in 2014 such complaints were heard in yesterday's election. Many voters complained that their votes had already been cast. However, the Election Commission has completely denied this. Election Commission officials said, unlike before, each voter has a photograph printed with it. Moreover, voting is done by looking at the ID card. There is no chance of fake voting. But the reality is completely different.

Many people have complained that such incidents may have happened in connection with the elections. No one expected this in a one-sided election without voters. It was also seen that no votes were cast in some centres. No votes were cast in 27 constituencies of Lalmonirhat-3. 1 to 63 polls in 16 centres.

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Despite widespread fake voting in some constituencies like Rupganj of Narayanganj, Karimganj and Tarail of Kishoreganj and Sirajganj-5, Rajshahi-6, Laxmipur-4 etc., the voter turnout was not shown much. For this reason, 19 candidates have announced to boycott the election after the start of voting.

It should be noted that the 10th National Parliament election was held yesterday on January 5. There was widespread violence in these elections. 25 people lost their lives. BNP-led 18-party alliance is carrying out the program of boycotting these elections through continuous blockades and hartals demanding elections under a non-partisan government.

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ৬, ২০১৪ 1:08 pm

Staff reporter

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