The Dhaka Times
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Secret conversation between Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and Information Minister Inu leaked (Video)

The Dhaka Times Desk Information Minister Hasanun Haque Inu's informal conversation with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina was caught on the microphone of a private TV channel just before the official press conference at Bangabhaban regarding the 10th National Assembly elections on Monday!

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The Prime Minister had not yet started the press conference, but before that, the microphones of various channels on the Prime Minister's table were on, and the informal conversation of Information Minister Hasanul Haque Inu, who was with the Prime Minister at that time, went directly to the microphone of NTV.

The Prime Minister and the Information Minister were aware of the fact that the microphones of the TV channels were on during their conversation. Even after they knew that these were being recorded, they continued to discuss various attitudes within the government.

Before the start of the press conference, Hasanul Haque Inu said, "Madam, I want to talk to you about some other matters urgently, while the Prime Minister said that all the records are being recorded," Inu said, "I have faced some questions about fake votes in the election."

Meanwhile, the information minister asked the prime minister to avoid the question of fake votes, he explained that if we wanted to in our government power, we could have seen 70 percent votes in all the centers without faking one or two votes, but we did not do that, and the candidate is already winning. Why fake vote!

The Prime Minister said to Inu, "Will you finally hear about democracy from Jasd?

Inu says Madam is live! Sheikh Hasina said with a smile, "Yes, I know, that's why I said, "I have to listen to democracy through the mouth of the police.. ha ha ha..."

Watch video details here:

Source: Youtube

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