The Dhaka Times
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Kolibree is a smart toothbrush that will brush your teeth perfectly!

The Dhaka Times Desk Everyone brushes their teeth but few know if they are brushing their entire gums. Or do you know if your toothbrush is completely cleaning your teeth? To get rid of all these, here comes the Kolibree toothbrush which will be controlled by smart phone and 100% will clean the teeth completely.


Kolibree electric brush, it runs on charge and is controlled by iPhone. Its job is to thoroughly brush all parts of the gums as well as the teeth. Kolibree is the world's first brush that is powered by electricity and will play a role in improving human dental care and brushing habits.

Kolibree can be used by multiple people, as it has an interchangeable brush head, just by using the same handle as anyone using the Kolibree with their respective brushes.


Kolibree will run on the iPhone app, when you turn on Kolibree and start brushing it will connect to the iPhone iOS-7 via Bluetooth and automatically review the condition of your teeth and notify you. It has special sensors that are able to review your brushing habits, at the same time it will tell you about the health of your teeth, you will also know if there is any disease in your teeth or gums with the help of Kolibree. In short, Kolibree will play the role of your dentist.


See how Kolibree works in the video:

Kolibree is now open to customers CES 2014 in Its price is estimated at 100 dollars or 7 thousand in Bangladeshi taka.

Source: The Tech Journal

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