The Dhaka Times
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Common people of the Sundarbans area, including the fishermen, are upset because of the pirates. The campaign is starting soon

Dhaka Times Desk In recent times, from the fishermen of the Sundarbans area, the common people have become fed up with the rise of pirates. Meanwhile, to suppress these pirates, the Sarashi campaign is starting soon.
জলদস্যুদের উৎপাতে অতিষ্ঠ জেলেসহ সুন্দরবন এলাকার সাধারণ মানুষ ॥ শীঘ্রই শুরু হচ্ছে সাঁড়াশি অভিযান 1
It has been reported that the operation to suppress the pirates and forest bandits of Sundarbans is starting soon. The law enforcement forces have been asked to be vigilant so that the fishermen can catch fish safely during the current Hilsa season. Coordination between intelligence agencies and coordinated operations based on specific information will be conducted to combat piracy. Intelligence surveillance will be increased. High power wireless will be installed. Apart from that, various action plans have been taken to suppress forest banditry in Sundarbans during the season of wood, honey and golpeta collection. For this purpose, a task force has been formed at the national level with RAB Director General Mokhlesur Rahman as the main coordinator. Other members of the committee include Director General of NSI, Director General of Coast Guard, Joint Secretary (Political) of Ministry of Home Affairs, Director General of Prime Minister's Office-4, Additional IGP of Police Headquarters and Chief Conservator of Forests. A source said that this decision was taken at a meeting held recently at the Prime Minister's office to curb piracy in coastal districts. Prime Minister's Principal Secretary Sheikh Md. Wahid Uz Zaman chaired the meeting which was attended by Prime Minister's Private Secretary-1, RAB Director General, Coast Guard Director General, Navy Chief's representative and DC and SP of 20 coastal districts. News of a daily.

It is known that the hilsa fishing season is from July to October. At present 1 thousand 8 trawlers are engaged in fishing in the coastal area. Fees are being collected from fishermen in the name of various forces per trawler. Fishermen cannot go deep sea with trawlers without paying the subscription. Incidents of arresting fishermen including trawlers and extorting a ransom of Tk 2-3 lakh are taking place. For this reason, various regions including Khulna, Mongla, Bagerhat are being chosen as the place of transaction. Narikelbaria of Sharankhola, Gangamati (Dubla), Dubojahaz, Paschimpar of Hiranpoint, Sonarchar of Galachipa, Ruparchar etc. are being chosen as the places of detention. The fishermen were killed if they failed to pay the ransom. At the same time, collectors of honey, wood and leafy greens of Sundarbans are also regularly subjected to extortion. Among the pirate forces currently active are Raju Bahini, Abbas Bahini, Motaleb Bahini, Krinchsagar Bahini, Master Bahini, Nasir Bahini etc. Law enforcement forces will soon conduct raids in these areas in a coordinated effort by the district administration and police administration.

It should be noted that law enforcement agencies are not able to deal with them! A report about this was published in the Dhaka Times on 29 June. It is said in that report that the locals are fed up with the emergence of pirates in the Sundarbans area. These pirates have been doing various crimes including kidnapping and extortion of fishermen for a long time. But the concerned law enforcement agencies are not dealing with them.

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