The Dhaka Times
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Iranian old man has been living in the wild without bathing for 60 years!

The Dhaka Times Desk He is now 80 years old, he has not taken a bath since he was 20 years old, which means he has lived for 60 years without taking a bath!


His name is Amoo Hadji and he is an Iranian citizen. He has been living alone outside the locality for a long time in the hilly area. However, he has done a surprising thing from his living problems, he did not take a bath for 60 years, he did not put any water on his body!

Amoo Hadji's case is complicated, how he survives without any skin disease in such a dirty environment without showering for so long is a mystery.


Looking at Amoo Hadji's two hands, there is no way to understand that they are human hands, and at the same time, his face is full of beard and mustache, which is covered with half a century of garbage!





He is very fond of smoking, sometimes he smokes by burning animal dung. He created the environment around him in his own way. He has been living in Dezhgah, a city village in Iran for a long time. It is true that he lives a very simple life but no one knows why this man does not take himself in such solitude and contact with water!

He may look dirty, his life may not be full of grandeur but it is certain that he leads a very simple and simple life.


Source: Viralnova

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