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The skeleton of a 2,000-year-old woman was recovered completely intact!

The Dhaka Times Desk Researchers have recovered almost 2,000-year-old skeletons from underground in Florida in America!


Researchers say that this is the woman who was rescued Tequesta Indian Tribal people. The woman was 5 feet tall and died between the ages of 20 and 30, but the exact cause of her death is still unknown.

The researchers said that the skeleton of this recovered woman is still in very good condition and intact. It has been Florida in America for thousands of years Pine Island It remains safely under the road.

Now the researchers have kept the skeleton in a special secret and safe place and are conducting detailed research on it. Meanwhile, nothing different from that period or clothing was found with the skeleton. As a result, researchers are still not sure what or why this woman died.


The 2,000-year-old skeleton is being kept very secret by researchers, so no official photos of the skeleton have been released yet. The researchers said this is a historical artifact and we will not release any images of it until we review the complete accompanying contents. Researchers also say that such intact skeletons of people of such an ancient age are rarely found, so it is considered a very valuable artifact.

So far, 3 prehistoric human skeletons have been found in this area of Florida, one in 1980 and another 12 years ago, but they were not as intact as this one.


According to the research team, no DNA tests have been done on the recovered skeletons. The researchers said that only after the detailed study, the media will be informed about the skeleton and the pictures will be published.

Source: Huffingtonpost

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