The Dhaka Times
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Build amazing homes with wood pile designs!

The Dhaka Times Desk Nowadays, houses are not only built for construction purposes. People are now using extraordinary techniques to build houses. Today with a detailed description of such a house The Dhaka Times This report.


From a distance, it will seem like a wooden stupa! In fact, you can't understand it when you get close. This is a house. This house has all the facilities to live a person. With the doors and windows of the house closed, there is no way to tell that there is a human habitation.


The house is like living in nature in nature. The windows of the house are made in such a way that it looks as if half of the log was cut and put together step by step. In fact, every part of the house is made of plastic to look like wood.


The house was designed by Piet Hein Eek. It is now in use as seen in the picture Hans Lieberg As its studio. Here he practices his music in a natural environment.


The design concept of the house is truly amazing planning and its proper implementation. We also have many places in Bangladesh where such plans can be implemented.


Source: Viralnova

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