The Dhaka Times
With the commitment to keep the young generation ahead, Bangladesh's largest social magazine.

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Victims of 'evil' politics, the youth of this country: the dream of becoming a leader by killing petrol bombs!

The Dhaka Times Desk Day by day the number of youths who dream of becoming leaders by hurling petrol bombs is increasing. But we never want to write such news.


Such a news came in a national daily. According to the news, a university student named Anupam Chandra Roy dreams of becoming a leader by killing petrol bombs!

This Anupam Chandra Roy is the eldest son of his father. Age 24. The village house is in Sultanpur (Badli-Para) of Debiganj in Panchagarh district. He had no political identity while attending village school and local college. He was never seen in any kind of procession meeting. After passing higher secondary, Anupam tried to get admission in various public universities of the country and failed. In the end, farmer father Bhavesh Chandra Roy sold his agricultural land and enrolled Anupam in the private Stamford University in Dhaka. Admitted to law department.

But when Vidhibam came to the capital city, Anupam, a young man who grew up in a simple village environment, shattered the dreams of his farmer father and became obsessed with the dream of becoming a leader. And for this, he took up cocktail and petrol bombs. But he got neither leader nor money. Anupam was killed by the police with that petrol bomb and now he is in jail. He also gave a confessional statement in the court under section 164, admitting the responsibility of the murder. However, he told the police that the act was his mistake. Anupam blamed his greed and bad friends for this.


Police traffic constable Ferdous Khalil was killed when a petrol bomb was thrown at a police duty bus at Banglamotor intersection in the capital on December 24. Constable Faizul Islam and the bus driver were burnt. Apart from this, 2 passengers including a woman died in the incident of throwing a petrol bomb on a passenger bus in Paribaug on January 3. Anupam Chandra Roy and his 2 accomplices Zobair Hossain and Rabiul Islam alias Nayan were arrested by the Metropolitan Detective Police for their involvement in these two incidents. Anupam and Nayan gave a confessional statement under section 164 in the court last Sunday, giving detailed information. In their deposition, they said that he threw petrol bombs and cocktails on the orders of a student organization of Dhaka College.

Regardless of whether the statement given to the police is true or false, it can be said that the youth of these rising age groups are repeatedly being victimized by the 'evil' politics of our country. They are being used by a class of self-interested politicians of this country by instilling money and the desire to be a leader. It can never be desirable to anyone. Once upon a time, youth used to consume heroin freely to become a hero. Then the news was published with a headline 'They could not become heroes by taking heroin', the incident was repeated in this case too.

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