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Among the Android versions, Jelly Bean is the most popular!

The Dhaka Times Desk A few days ago, the latest version of Google Android operating system is Android KitKat liberates. However, even after KitKat came to the market, Jelly Bean is still at the top of popularity among Android operating systems!

Android Version History

According to the latest information released by Google, KitKat is currently being used on a small number of Android devices. KitKat has 1.4 percent Android share of the stock market. Where Jelly Bean is used in the maximum number of devices and 60 percent of the Android market share is occupied by Jelly Bean.


Android has been publishing the latest usage surveys of their software since its inception. The latest survey shows that Jelly Bean is the most advanced and the oldest version at the same time Gingerbread 21.2 percent in the second position! Another older version holds 16.9 percent of the Android market share Ice Cream Sandwich!

Android also reported that the percentage of Android Jelly Bean users and registered users increased from 54.5 percent to 59.1 percent in December alone. On the other hand, the success of KitKat has left Google quite disappointed. From these data of Google, it appears that KitKat has not been able to respond that way among Android users.

Apple's rival to Google's Android operating system iOS 7 have been able to generate considerable response among their users. A few days ago, Apple released iOS 7. So far, 78 percent of Apple's iPhone devices have been updated to the new iOS 7!

However, it is not correct to compare Android and iOS with each other because Android is used in numerous devices in the world market apart from the company's own devices, while iOS is used only in Apple devices. However, Android KitKat has not been as successful as expected, either at the consumer level or commercially!

Thank you: The Tech Journal

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