The Dhaka Times
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A few tips to make the skin fairer

The Dhaka Times Desk Whether skin is fair or dark depends on melanin. If it is too much, the skin color will be black and if it is less, it will be fair. Here are some tips on how to lighten skin naturally.

A few tips to lighten skin-1

But some natural ingredients contain enzymes and hormones that heal the skin cells and make the skin glow. You can apply yogurt on your face to make your skin fairer. Leave it for 20 minutes and wash it off. At least 3 days a week should be applied like this.

# Even if you wipe your face with milk regularly, the skin becomes fairer.

For # oily screen, mix equal parts of lemon juice and egg white and leave it on the face for 20 minutes and wash it off. The skin can't help but glow.

# diameter to brighten the complexion. Make a mixture by mixing curd and little turmeric. Use it regularly instead of soap while bathing.

# often has black spots on hands, feet, knees and elbows. In this case, mix half a cup of papaya sauce, one teaspoon of watermelon juice, one teaspoon of lemon juice, egg white, and one teaspoon of honey together and apply it on the spot. Keep until dry. Then wash off.

# for dry skin. Cool two teaspoons of raw milk and potato juice and use it as a cleanser. For those with oily skin, mix mung bean powder with a little water and scrub your face once a week. It will remove the layer (cover) of dead skin cells.

# Take half a piece of ripe banana. Mix it well and add few drops of cucumber juice. Apply it on the face and neck for half an hour. Then wash off.

A few tips to lighten skin-2

Mix # honey and a few drops of lemon juice and apply it on your face for 15 minutes. While honey brightens your skin – the natural bleaching properties of lemon will make the skin fairer.

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