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Learn some tips on how to stay young

The Dhaka Times Desk Who wants to be old? no Everyone wants to stay young. But to stay young, some rules need to be followed. Here are some tips on how to stay young.

A few tips, stay young

No one wants to grow old no matter how old they are. Everyone strives to stay young. It seems like the rules of the world. But to maintain the age, it is necessary to follow several rules. If you follow these rules, you will definitely not be able to get close to the growth. Again, as a result of these rules, your body will also be healthy. So let's know some tips to stay young.

First: You have to get into the habit of waking up early in the morning. Because when you wake up in the morning, both body and mind are good. But many may not have the habit of getting up in the morning. That is, because of staying up late watching TV or sitting on the Internet, it is difficult to wake up during soccer. If you get into the habit of sleeping early in the morning without staying up late, waking up in the morning won't be a problem for you. That habit should be done slowly.

Make it a habit to drink at least 2 glasses of water in the morning when you wake up. Then go straight to the bathroom. Come back from the bathroom and drink another glass of water. Then drink a very light cup of colored tea without milk with only liquor. Don't eat sugar if you are overweight. Do not drink the tea too hot, cool it a little and then drink it. You can have at least 4 cups of colored tea a day.

You should drink 10/12 glasses of extra water throughout the day. This water intake is called hydrotherapy or hydrotherapy. Basically, it is an ancient and Indian treatment of about 5,500 years. Modern scientific tests have proved that if you wake up and drink 2 glasses of water slowly, you can be free from about 36 types of diseases. Again, milk-free and milk-sugar-free mild color tea is a Chinese herbal medicine two and a half thousand years ago. It is said that at that time heart, blood pressure (high blood pressure) and stomach ailments were treated with this tea. Again, modern scientific analysis shows that tea contains antioxidants, which definitely contribute to cancer prevention. There are many more properties in this tea. However, experts say that the quality of unprocessed tea is much better.

Vitamin C is a revolutionary nutrient for the human body and has numerous benefits. It is known that people can stay young forever by eating 1000 milligrams of vitamin C a day. However, taking tablets does not provide so much benefit. So instead of taking tablets, you should eat more or less fresh fruits rich in vitamin C every day. Vitamin C helps prevent cancer. Amalki, all kinds of lemons, tomatoes, guavas, oranges have different sour taste and vitamin C is available in different levels. Eat more of these fruits.

If you want to stay young forever, you must first give up all kinds of addictive habits including smoking. Because addiction destroys people. Eating red meat i.e. meat of cow, buffalo, Khasi, sheep etc. should be completely reduced. Better not to play at all. Farm chickens can't be eaten either. But lean baby chicken can be eaten.

A lot of semi-boiled vegetables, curries and very little rice and bread should be eaten. Do not eat anything fried in oil. Never eat excess oil, fat or ghee, butter. Spices have various herbal properties, yet too many spices should not be used in cooking. Eat more raw lettuce leaves, mint leaves, cucumber, tomatoes etc. as a salad.

If there are no restrictions then you can eat a spoonful of honey in the morning on an empty stomach. Because honey contains the essence of many flowers it is very beneficial. Adults should not drink cow, goat or buffalo milk. Because they are harmful to health. All types of fish, big and small, can be eaten. It is better if you can get into the habit of eating sea fish. Because, it is a big medicine. Doctors advise to eat sliced fish. such as small fish. Because cuttlefish contains a lot of vitamins. However, eating large amounts of fish is not good at all, as it can lead to stomach stones.

Sunflower seeds are herbal medicines for the heart. Using sunflower oil in cooking not only protects the heart, but also helps in treating heart disease. Another thing you can do is to eat a little bit every day. Such as sour yogurt. Sour yogurt is especially helpful in controlling high blood pressure. So eat a little sour yogurt every day.

Eating the above foods regularly will not cause excess fat in your body. You will be very healthy. And if there is no fat in the body, if the weight can be controlled, the dream of staying young forever can come true. So let's all try to stay young forever.

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