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Passengers affected by the plane crash sued Boeing!

The Dhaka Times Desk Some of the passengers of Asiana Airlines, which were affected by the plane crash in June last year, are the world famous aircraft manufacturer Boeing Filed a compensation case against it.


“Our clients have suffered tremendous financial and emotional losses in plane crashes while traveling on Boeing-made aircraft. And Boeing as an aircraft manufacturing company cannot avoid this responsibility in any way. In addition, our investigation revealed that there was a mechanical defect in the Boeing aircraft. So Boeing will have to compensate the passengers as stipulated.” Lawyers for the injured passengers told CNN Monica Kelly said

On July 6 last year, Asiana Airlines Flight 214 from San Francisco skidded off the runway and crashed with 291 passengers on board. 3 passengers lost their lives and 183 passengers were injured in various ways.

Meanwhile, the damages suit says that since Boeing manufactured the aircraft. And certain mechanical defects of the aircraft were found to be caused by the negligence of the manufacturing company. So Boeing should take this responsibility and compensate the passengers.

Among the 293 passengers in the case, 80 passengers have joined the case claiming compensation.

According to the case documents, the physical damage caused by the plane crash to the injured passengers was very significant. Passengers are still suffering from various head and physical complications. These passengers could not join any work due to physical disability due to the accident and their financial condition has worsened. As a result, Boeing will have to pay compensation to the injured with this liability.

Meanwhile, the spokesperson of the famous aircraft company Boeing was asked to know their position on this case. Boeing CEO Doug Alder He refused to comment to the media. He said Boeing will give their statement in court.

In any case, Boeing is the largest airline company in the world and countless people travel around the world in their planes. So if Boeing is negligent in manufacturing their aircraft then they should compensate the passengers. People board the air travel for a huge amount of money, it is the responsibility of the respective airline company as well as the airline company to ensure the safe journey of the passengers.

Source: Mashable

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