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A few surprising stories: The house where the tune plays in the rain

The Dhaka Times Desk Like every week, today we bring you interesting news from around the world - some amazing stories: The house that plays tunes in the rain.

কয়েকটি আশ্চর্যজনক গল্প: যে বাড়িতে সুর বাজে বৃষ্টিতে 1

In the house that tunes in the rain

The house is called Neustadt Kunst of Passage (Neustadt Kunsth of passage), a five-story brick-and-stone building like any other ordinary house. But the feature that makes the house stand out among the variety is that the house creates water waves that create a very pleasant and wonderful sound. That is, the architect of the house has placed symphonies, trumpets and some other musical instruments on the outer walls of the house from the upper floor to the ground floor in such a way that if water falls on them, it will stick to these instruments and if it falls down inside, a beautiful melody and rhythm will be created. So standing near the Neustadt Kunst of Passage during the rain, the melodious faintness of the falling rain is enthralling. This beautiful and innovative house is located in Dresden, Germany.

Proximity to pet dogs reduces disease transmission in children

Children who live with pets are less likely to suffer from hearing and respiratory illnesses than children from pet-free homes. This information has been reported in a recently published research report. The report was published in the American journal Pediatrics. However, the report does not say why exposure to pets protects young children from contracting some of these diseases. It suggests that spending part of the day outside the home with a pet dog can boost children's immunity during the first year of life. The company of cats like dogs also protects children from contracting certain diseases. But its effect is slightly less than that of dogs. The researchers obtained these results by conducting tests on 397 children in Finland. Studies have shown that, overall, children who are in contact with cats or dogs indoors have a 30 percent reduction in respiratory symptoms such as cough, wheezing, nasal congestion and fever, and a 50 percent reduction in ear infections.

Loneliness brings death

Loneliness not only makes people unhappy, but also leads to death. Loneliness not only makes people mentally ill, but also causes various diseases like heart disease, high blood pressure and memory loss. Such a claim has been made in the report published by BBC online after analyzing the data of various studies. Laura Ferguson, director of the Campaign to End Loneliness, a program working to tackle loneliness in the UK, said loneliness is a public health problem. Initiatives should be taken to solve this problem quickly. He said that death at a young age is associated with loneliness. And he thinks it is worse than the problem solved. David McCullough claims that as the number of older people increases day by day, loneliness appears to be a more serious problem than ever before. She is Chief Executive of the Women's Royal Voluntary Service. It is an organization that works for the welfare of over 40,000 elderly people in the UK. According to the BBC report, several studies carried out over several decades have shown that 10 percent of the elderly feel lonely or very lonely all the time. Over 1 million people in the UK over the age of 65 suffer from loneliness.

The Indian government bought Gandhi's letters and photographs

The Indian government has bought thousands of letters, papers and photographs of Mahatma Gandhi for around 6 crore rupees. A government official of the country recently said that the items were bought a day before they were auctioned in London. The letters and papers deal with Gandhi's time in South Africa, his return to India and his hostile relationship with his family. The auction was scheduled to be held on July 10. The auction was canceled as everything was bought by the Indian government. A senior official of the Ministry of Culture of the Government of India, on condition of anonymity, said that these documents will give an idea about Gandhi's views and many other things, which are very important for Indians. They will be housed in the National Museum in New Delhi, India. These papers belonged to relatives of German-born Jewish architect Hermann Kallenbach. Herman met Gandhi in South Africa in 1904. During his 20-year stay in South Africa, Gandhi started a movement for people's rights and non-violent philosophy. Herman was greatly inspired by his ideology at that time. Even after Gandhi returned to India in 1915, the friendship between the two remained intact. Their friendship has also come up in the biography of Gandhi written by Pulitzer Prize winning author Joseph Lelieveld.

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