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Adventures of living with a living volcano!

The Dhaka Times Desk About 200 people in Japan are living very close to the living volcano where people's hearts dry up when they say volcano!


A Japanese island in the Philippine Sea Aogashima A living volcano. The island is under the jurisdiction of the city of Tokyo. According to the 2009 survey, the population of this island, which is about 9 km long, is about 200 people. They are all local here.

Since Aogashima An active volcano so living here is pretty much taking your life into your own hands. People here are living with risk every day. A little carelessness can bring dire consequences. But despite the fear, the people here love to live here.


Aogashima Island volcano Class C type of active volcano. The volcano had previously erupted once in 1780, burning nearly half of the people living here. All the local houses were destroyed. After that eruption, the island took another 50 years to recover. After that, some people came and settled here!

There is no road connection to Japan with this island. You have to use the sea route to get here, but there is a helicopter service here.

When children on this island grow up, they go to Tokyo or elsewhere for education. However, they returned to the island after receiving higher education. They use their talents for the welfare of the island.

Indeed, as much as the island is a formidable force of nature, it is also a refuge for its people. And the people of this island have lovingly adopted the island as their own.

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Source: Viralnova

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