The Dhaka Times
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Beggars live in flats worth 80 million!

The Dhaka Times Desk At first no one can believe it. Because a beggar lives in such a luxurious flat is not believable. But the story is true. A beggar lives in a flat of 80 million rupees!

Lazarus lives of 80 lakh flats

Such news is rare. This is the same news. A beggar who begs on the streets. Begging is his profession. But the place where he lives will not be called 'luxurious'. Because the price of the flat in which he lives is at least 80 lakhs.

A beggar named Bharat Jain who was begging on the streets of Mumbai lives in that 80 lakh flat. This is not the end, there are more surprises. And that is, that beggar earns about 75/80 thousand taka per month.

Many people are shocked to hear such news in the media. He is now known as the richest beggar in the country. Because no chief minister of the country gets so much money every month.

According to media sources, beggar Bharat is begging at Mumbai's Shivaji Terminal or Azad Maidan. He does 'duty' for an average of 8 to 10 hours a day. And returned home by 10 o'clock at night according to the rules. Lives in the flat with his wife and 2 sons, father and brother.

Beggar Bharat's 2 sons are studying. Bharat himself told the media that he has also rented a shop. From there he earns at least 10 thousand taka per month. And he earns 75/80 thousand taka per month by begging outside. With the money earned in this way, he bought a flat and educated his sons.

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