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The new logo of BASIS has been unveiled

The Dhaka Times Desk Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services (BASIS) new “Logo Unveiling” program was held today on January 20 at 3 pm at BASIS Auditorium.


The Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh was present as the chief guest in the event Honorable Minister of State for Information and Communication Technology Mr. Junaid Ahmed Palak MP. BASIS president Shamim Ahsan presided over the event.

The chief guest said in his speech that the present government has given a dream to the young generation about the goal of digital Bangladesh. We want to change Bangladesh. I welcome the new look of BASIS and believe that BASIS will contribute to the development of information technology in Bangladesh going forward. If the ICT Ministry and BASIS work together, the country will go further. We will always be with Basis moving forward with a new vision through a new logo. We also always seek advice and support from Basis. Bangladesh itself will become a model of information technology. All the best for Basis' future journey.


He said, Basis 1997 It has been working tirelessly for the overall development of the country's information technology sector since its inception. Currently BASIS has more than 700 members. We earned $100 million from exports in the last financial year 2012-13. The export growth of this sector is now one of the top 15 in the country and our development plan will contribute more to the GDP. BASIS President welcomed the newly appointed Minister of State for Information Technology and thanked him for attending the BASIS logo unveiling ceremony.


BASIS Secretary General Russell T Ahmed delivered the welcome speech at the logo unveiling ceremony conducted by BASIS Secretary Hashim Ahmed.


Founded in 1997, BASIS has renewed its commitment to make the IT sector more prosperous and dynamic by unveiling a new logo. More employment, better information technology services (e-Services) and maximum export (Export) - these three main goals are reflected in the new logo through the forward triangle of three exotic colors. Three forward triangles - through which the determination to move forward is expressed. The triangles are each connected and express unity. Diversity is expressed through exotic colors, implying that everything related to IT will have a base. Taking the country to prosperity through information technology is the motto of BASIS' new logo. News press release.

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