The Dhaka Times
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Some tips on newborn baby food

The Dhaka Times Desk Many of us are unaware of what food should be given to a newborn baby. Today we discuss the diet of children from birth to one year old.


Breast milk should be given to the newborn baby. That is, the thick yellow milk that comes from the mother's breast within 2/3 days after birth is called colostrum. Due to superstition, many people throw this shawl of the mother in the milk chip. It is highly recommended for children. But this milk contains some ingredients that increase the immunity of the baby's body. Colostrum helps to expel the first dark green stools in the baby's stomach and reduces the degree of jaundice in newborns.

From birth to 5 months of age

From birth to 5 months of age only mother's breast milk should be given. No additional food is required at this time. Not even a drop of water. The child should eat as many times a day as he wants to eat. That is, if the child cries, the mother should give breast milk.


But care should be taken that the children do not remain hungry for a long time. That is, the child cannot be kept hungry for more than two and a half to three hours. As such, you should eat at least 8 times in 24 hours.

From 5 months to 12 months

From 5 months to 12 months i.e. up to one year of age, the baby should start other foods besides breast milk. This is called winning. At this time, semolina and khichuri are high quality food for children. A baby of this age should eat:

# breast milk at 6am

# at 8 am: Any two meals of Sujeer Halwa, Eggs, Biscuits, Pies and Vegetable Soup can be given. However, fruit juice can also be given with food at this time.

# at 11 am: Can give fruit juice and milk with khichuri.


# 2pm: Khichuri can be made with soft rice, vegetables, fish liver and pulses. No masala can be given. But onion, garlic and ginger can be given. Milk can be given immediately after eating. Children eat as much as they want.

# 5 PM: Can give vegetable soup, halwa and milk. Can give a small banana or any fruit with it.

# 8 pm: Can give soft rice or khichuri.

# at 10 pm: Give milk. Moreover, if hungry, mother's breast milk can be given even late at night.

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