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Few tips to get relief from dengue

The Dhaka Times Desk Mosquito infestation has increased. And due to the increase of mosquitoes, the incidence of dengue will also increase, it is normal. Here are some tips on what to do to get rid of dengue

rid of dengue & fever-1

Most of us know that dengue is usually spread by the Aedes mosquito. But how to get rid of this Aedes mosquito?

Let's know some tips about it.

rid of dengue & fever-2

# Dengue hemorrhagic fever causes 3 serious complications.

  • # 1. Bleeding
  • # 2. Liver failure
  • # 3. the shock
  • Bleeding, especially esophageal bleeding (blood clots and black stools)

    Hepatic failure and in many cases renal failure are more common in those patients. Those who use drugs like nimesulide, diclofene, voltarin etc. Unfortunately, many doctors in our country use them to reduce fever. Their use can lead to serious consequences in dehydrated patients.

    There is no specific treatment for # dengue. So enough water should be given to prevent shock.

    For # fever, paracetamol 60 to 80 ml can be given without using the prescribed drugs.

    # Fever should be kept between 100 degrees F even if it is not normal.

    # Reduce fever with paracetamol and water appropriately without being impatient.

    # should drink about 3 liters of water.

    If # cannot drink water, saline should be given. Normal saline is best in this case.

    # should encourage eating to maintain nutrition. By giving canned water, Orsaline, juice, coke etc. calories are also guaranteed with water.

    # To prevent dengue shock, blood pressure, urine volume, etc. should be monitored.

    Who has abdominal pain but the weight is not decreasing. That is confusing. Such patients are more likely to develop dengue shock syndrome. These patients suddenly have a fever. Platelets are greatly reduced. Great-1, Great-2 shock should not be anything special. If it is great-3, it should be monitored with saline. Remember that overwatering is dangerous.

    How to prevent

    Since there is no dengue vaccine, the mosquito and its larval eggs are our target in this case. The Aedes mosquito is domesticated. Aedes mosquitoes live in the corners of the walls, in the gaps between the doors and in the folds of the curtains. Aedes mosquito must be prevented to avoid dengue.

    rid of dengue & fever-3

    The places where Aedes mosquito lays eggs or larvae are spawning water tanks, egg shells, coconut shells, air conditioners, abandoned tires of AC cars, flower tubs and standing water in the gutters of construction buildings and garbage accumulated near the nests. So beware of them.

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