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BRAC Bank customer account hack Bangladesh Bank information disclosure!

The Dhaka Times Desk Bangladesh Bank's investigation revealed that 30 BRAC Bank customers' accounts were hacked and about 20 lakh rupees were transferred from there to another account.


Some online based news media According to a statement of Bangladesh Bank, some customers complained about money disappearing from their accounts. Based on that complaint, a special investigation team of Financial Integrity and Customer Services Department of Bangladesh Bank was formed. Bangladesh Bank's investigation revealed that there was a basis for the complaint and the money was transferred from the account of those customers to another account.

All the hacked accounts are online based and they also launched mobile banking facility under their respective accounts. Initially, 3 customers of BRAC Bank complained to Bangladesh Bank about withdrawal of money from their account. And later, Bangladesh Bank's investigation team found that apart from those three accounts, 30 other people's accounts were hacked at the same time. Many account owners are still unaware that money has been removed from their accounts.


Meanwhile, Bangladesh Bank's investigation report has shown the security weakness of BRAC Bank's online banking as the main reason behind the hack. Investigation shows that even though online banking is open, there are many weaknesses in BRAC Bank's online server. The server is not automated yet.

Managing Director of BRAC Bank Syed Mahbubur Rahman A news media Avoiding the responsibility of this hacking, he said, "We are not willing to take responsibility for it alone, online system is a platform of banking. Customers of our bank transact money with other banks or institutions online. The responsibility in these cases is not ours alone."

On the other hand, managing director Syed Mahbubur Rahman said that the hack was done from our server and not from the customer's email account. There was the customer's password.'

But if the matter is true then surely making the security of online and mobile banking systems of all banks more difficult is the demand of time.

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