Categories: international news

Dhaka tops the list of unlivable cities around the world!

The Dhaka Times Desk Economist Intelligence Unit The world's top ten most unlivable cities have been released. Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, is at the top of the list of unfit cities!

A total of 100 rating scale survey was conducted on all cities of all countries from all over the world. In this, the city of Bangladesh, Dhaka, is in the top position, surpassing all the countries of the world. Dhaka's rating is 38.7! On the other hand, the city of Pakistan, which has been affected by terrorist attacks in South Asia, has also been included in this list. Karachi is at number 6 in the list.

Among the world's cities, this rating is done on various indicators, such as living conditions, cleanliness, health and safety, population density, tourist interest and travel risks, etc.

This list of uninhabitable cities is published by the international news media The Telegraph.

Let's take a look at the top ten city names and images on the list:

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1) Dhaka, Bangladesh:

2) Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea:

3) Lagos, Nigeria:

4) Harare, Zimbabwe:

5) Algeria, Azeria:

6) Karachi, Pakistan:

7) Tripoli, Libya:

8) Dawala, Cameron:

9) Tehran, Iran:

10) Abidjan, Ivory Coast:

Source: The Telegraph

This post was last modified on মার্চ ১৫, ২০১৭ 2:54 pm


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