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Carrie Fisher will play the role of the beautiful and beautiful Princess Leia!

The Dhaka Times Desk Science fiction movie series 'star wars' Its popularity is increasing day by day. As a result, a new movie in the series has already been announced. It was recently reported that 'star wars'The new movie 'Star Wars Episode Seven' She will be playing the role of the beautiful and attractive Princess Leia Carrie Fisher.


However, the Disney World authorities have so far 'star wars' No definite announcement has been made as to whether the actors and actresses from the previous movies will star in the seventh movie in the series. Rather, various actors and actresses have spread various rumors about who will act in the movie.

Latest Carrie Fisher on TVGuide said 'star wars' About his inclusion in the seventh movie of the series. She said she will reprise her role as Princess Leia in the new episode. He also said the actor Harrison Ford And Mark Hamill He will start acting in the movie in March or April this year. Harrison Ford will portray Han Solo and Hamill will portray Luke Skywalker.


Carrie Fisher first appeared in Star Wars when she was only 20 years old. For great acting Star Wars Its next sequel Return of the Jedi He also acted in Carrey wants to act in the same hairstyle as in the old movies.

As announced by Disney World authorities 'star wars' Its seventh episode will hit theaters on 18 December 2015. Until then Star Wars movie fans will have to wait.

Reference: BusinessInsider

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