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To remove dark spots on neck, eyes and lips

The Dhaka Times Desk অনেকের গায়ের রং ফর্সা হলেও ঠোটের রং কালচে। তবে এ নিয়ে নিরাশ হওয়ার কিছু নেই। আমাদের হাতের কাছেই রয়েছে প্রাকৃতিক কিছু উপায়। যা দিয়ে এই ঠোঁটের কালচে রংসহ আরও বেশ কিছু উপকার পাওয়া যাবে।

Neck, eyes and lips, black spots

# mixed with a few drops of lemon juice, honey and massage cream and massaged on the lips twice a day will bring benefits within a few months. However, it should be used regularly and diligently.

# Many people have dark circles under their eyes. If they massage lemon juice with honey, they can remove dark spots under the eyes.

# To remove dark spots on neck and neck: Soak 4 large cardamoms, 5/6 cinnamon sticks, 10/12 raisins, 4/5 Chinese almonds overnight. The next day, grind all together and put it in a bowl and keep it in the fridge. In this condition it will remain intact for 7 days. Take out a little bit of that paste every day and mix it with curd, honey and powdered sugar at home and apply it like a pack on your face, neck and neck. Wait 20 minutes. Then rinse with clean water. This pack is very effective for sunburned skin and normal dark skin.

# can sometimes cause pigmentation (normal skin color) problems to darken skin. In that case, one spoon of Beshan, one spoon of ripe mango juice, half a spoon of raw turmeric batter. A spoonful of marigold flower petals mixed with raw milk should be applied half an hour before taking a bath - on areas where pigmentation has occurred.

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