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Men are more forgetful than women! [research]

The Dhaka Times Desk Men tend to be more self-indulgent or delusional than women. This has emerged in a recent study.


Usually many women complain that my husband can't remember my birthday, wedding day or important family matters. In fact, the matter is not only in the case of one person, this time it has been established through research that men are more delusional than women. BMC Psychology A report published in , shows that most men have less memory than women. They forget the simple things.

Based in Norway HUNT3 In one of its surveys, the results of this research on men's ability to remember emerged. HUNT3 is the world's largest health research organization that polls nearly 48,000 people on health.

Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) The principal led this supervised study Jostein Holmen, he and his team asked participants a total of 9 questions that most men answered incorrectly.

Among the 9 questions, various topics are asked. For example, do you forget common dates? Or someone's name? When exactly does this forgetfulness increase? In response to such questions, most men say that they forget some simple things like time, name, date etc.

"We are trying to find out why men are more forgetful than women," said researcher Jostein Holmen. It still seems a mystery to researchers.”

Women are also delusional but less than men. Women usually suffer from forgetfulness between the ages of 30 and 60.

Research has also shown that people who are highly educated tend to forget slightly less than those who are less educated. Therefore education plays a role in forgetting. And people tend to forget the most when the age reaches 60 to 70.

Holme said, “The problem of forgetting is a problem of my own. Medical science still doesn't know why this happens or what the real solution is. But we are continuing the research."

Source: Newsmaxhealth

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