The Dhaka Times
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Pictures of 19 animals that look amazing in winter!

The Dhaka Times Desk Winter is a season when animals and humans all undergo a physical change. At present, in our Bangladesh, public life is overrun in winter. And our today's event is about the amount of changes that winter brings to the animal world.


This beautiful world of ours, the weather of this world is different in each season. Nature is dressed in one form. As nature emerges in this different form, the animal diversity here also changes. Over hundreds of billions of years of adaptation, animal lineages have evolved to survive generations.

Winter does not hit all parts of the world in the same way, so some places have more winter and some have less winter. Just as in the polar regions, all the ice accumulates in winter, some countries in Asia have moderate winters in winter. On the other hand, when the whole world in December and January in the winter, just when Australia is hot! Yes, these are natural variations. Because there is so much variety of climates on earth, this is where life evolved.

However, due to this seasonal variation of the earth, there have been many changes among the animals on this planet. Because it is important to survive in any environment anyway. Let's take a look at 19 amazing pictures of animals that have taken incredible forms during the winter season.

Thanks for the picture: Boredpanda

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