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Be careful! Your Facebook account can be hacked from spam links or status tags!

The Dhaka Times Desk It is a matter of great concern that some spam links are being spread on Facebook recently and attempts are being made to hack users' accounts by tagging their statuses in various ways.


Some users on Facebook are sharing some status where it is written Hack anyone's Facebook account in 3 minutes! Is this really possible? yes possible But in this case, instead of hacking someone else's ID, you can lose your hobby ID.

Hackers on their status or Facebook fan page Hack anyone's account Posting this title and there are some steps that users are asked to follow. You will be told first pastebin To copy some code from the link of a site called, after that go to the profile of the account you want to hack and start the Console Box.


The whole thing is a scam! You are baited into hacking someone's account and told to go to their account, launch the Console Box and post the code. If you do this, you will not only be able to hack someone else's ID, but you will lose your ID. At the same time, the same link will be automatically posted from your ID to the status of your friends, your liked page, group etc.

What to do to survive from these?

Avoid any kind of spam links or anything suspicious as mentioned above. If someone tags you in these spam links or statuses, cancel your tag quickly. Make your password stronger.

Remember to be safe and aware of any risk in advance to keep your ID and password safe.

To see examples of such hacking processes Click here. Caution: Do not go to any link there, ID may be hacked. Just watch how they throw the bait.

Facebook Hack and Survive The Dhaka Times View more posts Click here.

Source: M Asif Rahman

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