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Easy way to straighten curly hair

The Dhaka Times Desk Many feel embarrassed about curly hair. And then run after the beauty parlor or different kinds of medicine. But there are easy ways to straighten this curly hair.


So let's know how to straighten and care for this curly hair easily.

There is no end to people's thoughts about hair. How to make the hair beautiful and silky and straight and also how to take care of the hair is necessary to know.


Hair can be straightened with # cream or lotion. But this process is a bit complicated and it is wise to do it in experienced hands.

# Two days a week, make a paste with henna, one cup of sour curd, one egg, two teaspoons of oil and water as required and apply it on the hair for half an hour and wash it.


Apply a paste of # ripe banana and honey on your hair for 20 to 30 minutes and wash it off to make your hair soft.

# Curly hair needs to be blow-dried or ironed.

# Temporary hair straightening gel, pomade cream can be used.

# Hair should be properly cared for after straightening. Straightening curly hair requires special care from showering to drying time.

# Curly wet hair needs to dry quickly.


# After drying more than half of the hair, the rest should be pulled and brushed with a comb or ruler brush.

# When straightening curly hair, conditioner should be used after shampooing.

# Curly hair cannot be braided.

# Before going to bed at night, the hair should be tightly twisted with a handkerchief or a cloth or ribbon instead of a braid.


# Curly hair can become very rough after straightening. In that case conditioner should be used two days a week after massaging well with steam or hot water and then shampooing.

# Nishinda leaf juice should be mixed with equal amount of coconut oil, boiled and then cooled and rubbed from root to tip of hair. Shampoo the next day. It will remove dandruff and make hair silky.

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