The Dhaka Times
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Mistakes that cause back pain

This back pain is caused due to several wrong habits of ours

The Dhaka Times Desk Another source of pain is back pain. The main source of bending the body is the waist. So if the back hurts, then no movement can be done. This back pain is caused due to several wrong habits of ours. So let's find out what those wrong habits are.

যে ভুলগুলোর কারণে কোমর ব্যাথার সৃষ্টি হয় 1

1. The root cause of most back pain is improper chair sitting. Many work by leaning towards the computer. Working like this for hours causes back pain. So you must sit straight while working on the computer. Get into the habit of sitting up straight. Sometimes get up from the chair and walk around a bit.

2. Sitting on your feet for a long time also causes back pain. So get up and walk around every now and then. It will not cause back pain.

3. There are some jobs that require bending down for long periods of time. Such work puts a lot of pressure on the waist. So stand up and move around a bit while doing this.

4. One of the disadvantages of not exercising is back pain. People who exercise regularly do not have back pain. Due to lack of exercise for a long time, the waist joints do not work properly. As a result, pain occurs in various parts of the body including the waist. So you should exercise regularly.

5. If for some reason the waist hurts a little while lifting or lowering a heavy object, then you understand. So be careful while lifting and lowering these heavy objects. In this case, you can lift or lower your legs without bending your waist.

6. Abnormal weight gain is one of the causes of back pain. Being overweight puts extra stress on the waist. So we should keep our body mass index right. So at work place or at home you have to abandon these mistakes and work properly then there will be no back pain.

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