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Does eating eggs increase the risk of heart disease? Find out the correct answer

Eating too much dietary cholesterol or eggs is associated with a serious risk of heart disease

The Dhaka Times Desk. Eggs are a healthy food. It contains more or less almost all food ingredients. However, it is not right to eat eggs in all situations. Again, eating eggs and taking any other food should be monitored. Today we will discuss whether eating eggs increases the risk of heart disease or not.

ডিম খেলে কি হৃদরোগের ঝুঁকি বাড়ে? জেনে নিন তার সঠিক উত্তর 1

Health and nutrition researchers conducted the study titled 'Association of Dietary Cholesterol or Egg Consumption with Incident Cardiovascular Disease and Mortality'. The study was conducted on 29,615 adults over 17 years. They finally concluded that eating too much dietary cholesterol or eggs is associated with a serious risk of heart disease and affects other causes of morbidity and mortality.

The matter can be put a little more simply. If a person consumes 300 mg or more of cholesterol per day, that person will have an increased risk of heart disease. An egg usually contains about 180-186 mg of cholesterol. So if you consume two eggs a day, you will definitely be at risk of heart disease.

According to dietary guidelines, a healthy person is advised to consume one egg per day. However, many people are interested to know that one egg should be eaten without the yolk or the whole one? In fact, no dietary guidelines mention eating eggs without the yolk. So eat whole eggs. But not more than one.

Health experts advise that if you eat an egg a day, be careful about consuming other cholesterol-rich foods. Other cholesterol rich foods are fish, meat etc. One thing to remember is that fried eggs contain more fat than boiled eggs. So try to eat boiled dom.

Asian Heart Institute of Mumbai senior cardiologist Dr. Santosh Kumar Dora said, "Eggs are not the only cause of heart disease, there are many other foods in the diet that are more dangerous than eggs." We need to be aware of how much protein, carbohydrates and fat we are consuming in a day.

So from now on, you have to be careful about eating eggs.

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