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The world's most beautiful river in Colombia Caño Cristales!

The Dhaka Times Desk A river in Colombia called Caño Cristales, this river has several colors that make it diverse to people around the world. In our report today, details about this river will come up.


Caño Cristales is a river located in the province of Serrania de la Macarena, Colombia. It is called the five-colored river! Or some call it Rainbow River. The reason why this river is called by these names is because of the different colors under the water here, this river fascinates people with its different colored hues.

Caño Cristales is in the river, red, yellow, blue, purple, black, especially red colors really amaze people. Gives a feeling of love.


Only certain times of the year when there is enough water in this river and enough sunlight does the sea moss grow here! The name of these mosses is Macarenia clavigera.


Macarenia clavigera is remarkable underwater. The aura of water is described in various terms.


This river attracts many tourists from all over the world including Colombia. Many visitors flock here every year.



The colorful moss plant called Macarenia clavigera is what makes the whole river colorful.


Source: Viralnova

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