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Tango is making the world's most powerful pocket computer! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk San Diego-based technology company Tango has announced that it's building a computer that's the size of a pocket-size pocket and has a lot of power. It can do any kind of computing and play all the high quality games!


Day by day, technology is advancing in the world, new devices are coming in people's hands, with which life is being made easier. With this in mind, San Diego's technology company Tango announced the creation of a pocket computer!

This pocket computer made by Tango will measure 4.9-inch (l) x 3.15-inch (w) x 0.5-inch (b) which will give it an extraordinary design. Due to the small size of this PC made by Tango, it can be easily kept in any pocket. The Tango team has used miniaturized versions of laptop hardware inside this computer, which is capable of a high-speed computing.


Tango is used in this pocket computer Separate docking system So that all types of USB using computer equipment eg USB, HDMI, ethernet, AV, power etc. can be used in it.

This pocket computer has special advantages in terms of battery usage. When you connect it to the battery and use it with various devices, the various programs running on it will continue to auto save. And when the power is reconnected, it will start running from the same place as before. This pocket computer made by Tango will also run very high definition games perfectly.

Tango said it is now raising investment to build the computer. Their investment target is 1 lakh dollars. It is expected to hit the market in April 2014.

Watch the video released by Tango:

Source: The Tech Journal

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