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Stephen Hawking said there is no such thing as black hole in the universe

The Dhaka Times Desk A widely held concept of the existence and nature of the universe black hole. A black hole is so densely packed, its mass is so high that its gravitational pull does not allow anything to escape. Light, even electromagnetic waves cannot escape from a black hole. So far no direct evidence of blackholes has been found. recently Stephen Hawking He spoke about the non-existence of black holes.


Black hole is called Krishna Bibar or black hole in Bengali. General Theory of Relativity According to it, the black hole is a special place in space from which nothing, not even light, can escape. It is made of very dense mass. If too much mass accumulates in a small space, it can no longer exist in its normal state. We imagine the universe as a flat surface. Think of the universe as a giant piece of cloth and then if you put some heavy object on the cloth at some point what would you see? The fabric is slightly lowered in places where there are heavy objects. The same thing happens in the universe. Holes appear in places where the mass is greater.


For the past 49 years, astronomers have advanced the assumption that black holes exist. Stephen Hawking He rejected the idea of black holes and instead explained those special places in a new way. event horizon sheds light on what temporarily prevents matter and energy from being released into space.

References: The Tech Journal, Wikipedia

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