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Samsung is making Galaxy Gear 2 and Galaxy Glass!

The Dhaka Times Desk Samsung has already brought Samsung to the market Galaxy Gear smart watch Now they are making Galaxy Gear 2 watches and wearable Galaxy Glass!


While Samsung created quite a stir before launching its Galaxy Gear smartwatch, it didn't see the light of day in the same way. Since then, Samsung has started rethinking how to make the Galaxy Gear smartwatch more popular and add new modern features to its previous problems.

Samsung is now going to make the Galaxy Gear 2 smart watch. Which has the latest flexible OLED display! It has already been known that Samsung is going to add all the latest features to its new Galaxy Gear 2 smart watch. Although Samsung has not said anything about the arrival of this new generation smart watch in the market, it has been reported on various technology blogs that the possible date of Galaxy Gear 2 smart watch coming to the market for customers may be at any time in March or April of this year!

Meanwhile, Samsung is making the Galaxy Gear 2 smartwatch as well as the Galaxy Glass wearable smart computing device. Although the details are not known, it is believed that Galaxy Glass has a great system for users to catch phone calls and listen to music! However, it will be difficult for Samsung to capture the smart i-wire market with this alone. So it is not yet known whether the Galaxy Glass will have more benefits. As a result, those interested have to wait a few more days!

Source: The Tech Journal

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