The Dhaka Times
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A person in China took food 300 times by changing a ticket!

The Dhaka Times Desk This is seen as an extreme example of taking free benefits. A man bought a first class ticket on Eastern China Airlines and ate free food from the airline company for 300 days.


At first it seems strange but it is true. On Eastern China Airlines A free pre-boarding meal is provided by the airline for first class ticket holders. Besides, there is no restriction on changing the date of the airline ticket and rescheduling for another day.

This very clever citizen of China is for himself On Eastern China Airlines Buy a first class ticket. As a result, he got a chance to eat free dinner before boarding the plane according to company rules. He comes to the lounge every day before the appointed time and eats to his heart's content. Before leaving the plane, he changed the date of the ticket for himself again to the next day.

Thus throughout the year the passenger changes the date of one of his tickets 300 times! He never got on the plane! When the matter came to the attention of Eastern China Airlines officials, they quickly inquired about the person and summoned him. What else to do! Eastern China Airlines canceled the passenger's ticket with his ticket money. Sometimes the passenger ate 300 meals for free!

Meanwhile, the officials of Eastern China Airlines said that they cannot cancel this arrangement if they want. Because for some opportunistic passengers, depriving all passengers of facilities is against their mission of passenger service.

Source: Fox News

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