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Pictures: A person was buried on a motorcycle!

The Dhaka Times Desk Even after his death, his motorcycle remained a companion. Such a novel incident happened recently in the city of Ohio, USA.

Bill Standley

We all know that nothing is given with people after death. A few yards of cloth of Muslims and nothing of Hindus are burnt. Similarly, other religions also have no custom of giving away any of their wealth after death. But such an incident happened in the city of Ohio, USA. In the case of 82-year-old Stanley of that city. Before his death, he told his family that his beloved motorcycle should be given to him even after his death.

Buried On Harley

Family members have indeed fulfilled his last wish. After his death, he was buried on his motorcycle. He was buried in the same position as he rode the motorcycle. Stanley died of cancer on January 26. According to his last wish, a glass box was made for him and he was buried wearing a helmet as he would sit on a motorcycle. When this incident became known, many people came from far and wide to see such a strange incident. This incident created a great sensation in the area.

Note that the motorcycle was an old model of 1967 Electra Grid Cruiser Harley Davidson. And this motorcycle was Stanley's constant companion throughout his life.


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