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Learn about some very strange phobias or panic disorders!

The Dhaka Times Desk A phobia is a fear of the mind, a type of panic disorder. There are many people who are afraid of common things and panic about it all the time. Let's learn about some very strange phobias.


Majorico phobia: Fear of cooking falls into a weird phobia. This phobia is called Majorico phobia. The name of this phobia comes from the Greek word mazarikos. People with this phobia are uncomfortable with their own cooking, fearing that their cooking will make others sick. Such illusions make them phobic about cooking.


Agerophobia: Fear of crossing roads, crossing highways is a symptom of this phobia. Living in the city with this phobia is very difficult. They are very afraid to cross the single lane road or wide road of the city.


Dinophobia: It has become quite a social custom for the whole family to have a conversation at dinner. But there are many who fear dinner and dinner conversation at the same time, a fear called dinophobia. In that case, they skip dinner – quite an odd behavior.


Isotrophobia: Many people are also afraid of looking at their own reflection in the mirror, this type of fear is called isotrophobia. People with this phobia believe that they can communicate with the spiritual world through mirrors, although such fears are irrational. At the same time, breaking the mirror will bring bad luck, or looking at the mirror - contact with the world - they no longer approach the edge of the mirror thinking that it is strange.

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Pentheraphobia: This phobia is fairly well known. There are many girls who are unnecessarily scared of mother-in-law – they are the ones suffering from this type of phobia. They fall ill due to the fear of being harmed or ill-treated by the mother-in-law.


Cathysophobia: This is the most bizarre type of phobia. People with cathysophobia often fear sitting. Many people suffer from this phobia due to frequent sitting accidents. Children are seen to be nervous about sitting on the school bench.


Phobia is a type of mental illness and people suffering from phobia are constantly afraid of unnecessary things. Sufferers of this problem are in pretty good shape. If someone you know is suffering from this type of phobia, you should extend a hand of sympathy, not ridicule, and at the same time, it is important for everyone to be aware.

Reference: Fascinatingpix

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