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Gultekin has returned to the country. Gultekin did not go to see Humayun Ahmed's body in America!

Dhaka Times Desk Gultekin returned home with his daughter Bipasha on July 26, although he was supposed to return with Humayun Ahmed's body on the same day.
গুলতেকিন দেশে ফিরেছেন ॥ আমেরিকায় থেকেও হূমায়ুন আহমেদের মরদেহ দেখতে যাননি গুলতেকিন! 1
"Gultekin's eyes were watery then"

Seeing their mother, Nova, Sheela and Nuhash started crying. He hugged his mother. At this time, Gultekin could not hold back his tears. Tears were rolling down the corners of his eyes. Gultekin is the first wife of renowned writer Humayun Ahmed. He returned home yesterday from America with his daughter Bipasha. Seeing mother and sister, two sisters Nova and Sheela, son Nuhash cried for father's grief. Seeing their suffering and crying, Gultekin also shed tears. Gultekin, known to his children as Iron Man, recovered after some time. Comfort the children. Such a scene took place at his Banani residence yesterday morning.
According to a source close to them, Abhimani Gultekin has put himself at today's level with great difficulty. Raised children. He was so arrogant that he did not invite Humayun Ahmed to the girls' wedding. He tried to forget Humayun for all time. Someone close to him said that he had to struggle a lot to manage his life alone without Humayun. However, he is not necessary for himself, but for his children, in many cases Humayun's brother Dr. Zafar took the help of Iqbal. His wife also helped a lot. He did not marry a second time thinking about his children. Married three daughters. All girls are talented. All three girls have Ph.D. According to sources, Gultekin is a proud woman. Who always tried to save his sense of self-respect. Worked accordingly. This is the comment of someone close to his family. At 8:40 am yesterday, he returned home from the United States with his daughter Bipasha on an Emirates flight. His elder daughter Nova, elder daughter's son-in-law, maid's daughter Sheila went to pick him up at the airport. He was very tired when he landed at the airport. He did not make any emotional scenes at the airport. He went out naturally. After going home, an emotional atmosphere is created. When expressing interest in talking to him, his family informed him that he was very tired. Give it some time. It is not yet known whether he will speak. But someone close to him requested that you keep him out of everything. This is a request to you. Don't drag him.

Even from America, his first wife Gultekin did not go to see Humayun Ahmed's dead body

His ex-wife Gultekin did not visit Humayun Ahmed at the hospital or at his home even once while he was under treatment in America. Even the relatives and friends of the writer were surprised that Humayun's body did not come to see him after his death. Gultekin was present for almost half of the life of the late Nandit writer and producer Humayun Ahmed. The family of Humayun-Gultekin was 30 years. During this long time, they were the charioteers of each other's joys and pains. They got married in 1973. Divorced in 2003. Even Humayun himself could not think that the woman who was with the great writer for so many years would not look for him even on his deathbed! Gultekin was also staying in the country where Humayun Ahmed was undergoing treatment. Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina, Nobel laureate Dr. Many people including Muhammad Yunus went to see the writer. Many acquaintances and strangers visited the sick writer in New York, except Gultekin. It is known that even from America Gultekin Humayun's dead body was not seen, the author's relatives and friends were surprised. Humayun Ahmed's family sources, including multiple sources, said that after Humayun's death, Gultekin did not make any inquiries until Saturday noon, Bangladesh time. Gultekin's name appears in many writings of Humayun Ahmed. Some of his early published books were dedicated to Gultekin. He said of Gultekin, 'Gultekin is the best woman alive.' Humayun also mentions Gultekin's contribution to his becoming a writer in his autobiography 'Attre Aami Khojiya Ferai'. Principal Ibrahim Khan's granddaughter Gultekin fell in love with Humayun shortly after the independence of the country in 1971. Humayun married Ahmed Gultekin in 1973. In 2003, Humayun-Gultekin's marriage ended. After the divorce, Gultekin went into seclusion with his sons and daughters. At one point he moved to the United States. Currently staying there. According to several sources, Gultekin did not show any interest in meeting Humayun despite the news of his illness and death. When contacted, Ahsan Habib, editor of Ramya magazine Unmad, the younger brother of fiction writer Humayun, said, "As far as I know, he (Gultekin) has not come to visit so far." He said that Gultekin is currently staying in one of the American provinces. Arrogant-stubborn Gultekin, an acquaintance and sometime close friend of Humayun Ahmed and Gultekin said on condition of anonymity, "After the separation, Gultekin told many people close to him that he would never want to see Humayun's dead face and that no news of Humayun would make him happy or sad." He said, Gultekin is still stubborn. He also said that he did not have any contact after the separation. There are three daughters and two sons in the family of Humayun-Gultekin. Three girls are named Bipasha Ahmed, Nova Ahmed, Sheela Ahmed and son is Nuhash Ahmed. In the name of Nuhash, Humayun Ahmed built his dream Nuhash Palli in Gazipur. Humayun of the capital is said to have written a five-storied house in Dhanmondi in the name of Gultekin. Humayun's Second Life and Shaon Humayun Ahmed became close to actress Meher Afroz Shaon, girlfriend of daughter Sheela and actress who acted in several of his drama-films, from the mid-1990s. Marriage Humayun Ahmed married Shawon in 2005. 3 children were born in the family of Humayun-Shaon. The first daughter-child died after birth. Currently Humayun-Shaon's two sons are Nishad and Ninit. After marriage, Humayun Ahmed registered his St. Martin's house 'Samudra Bilas' in Shaon's name. The girls have seen their sick father. As soon as he separated from his first wife, his daughters were also separated from their father Humayun Ahmed. However, after Humayun Ahmed was diagnosed with cancer, it is said that his daughters Sheela, Nova and Bipasha Ahmed went to see their ailing father at his Dakhin Hawa Apartment residence in Dhanmondi. It is said that after Humayun Ahmed was diagnosed with cancer, his wife and children visited him only once. Nuhash Ahmed, the only son of the Humayun-Gultekin couple, however, kept in touch with his father and others since growing up. Courtesy:

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